Weed Control Tips: Toughest Weeds In The Lawn And How To Kill Them
Some weeds are hideous. Some are pretty. But nearly all of them share the nasty trait of growing out of control and making you want to shut inside a dark room and never come out on your lawn again.
So, is there a way to weed control and save your sanity? Absolutely there is!
We have the secret from the professional weed control company in Amherst on how to control the toughest lawn weeds. Let’s begin!
Awful Weeds And Tricks To Control Them
Ugly Weed #1- Wisteria
The Wisteria is absolutely enchanting in flowers. But they are absolutely worse otherwise. These nasty vines smother, strangle, crush, and destroy every little thing around them.
How To Control Them:
If it is a tiny little vine, spray Roundup. In case it’s a big one, cut through the trunk a foot from the ground. Then, immediately paint the cut surface with Brush Killer or Roundup.
Ugly Weed #2- Chinese Privet
The Chinese Privet can thrive anywhere - sun, shade, dry soil, wet soil, woods, fields, and even cracks in the road.
How To Control Them:
The Chinese Privet weed control trick is the same as for Wisteria. Just be extra ruthless.
Ugly Weed #3- Kudzu
The Kudzu vine has its good points, really. Every bit of it is edible – leaves, flowers, tuners. But this doesn’t make up for the fact that it grows up to 1 foot a year.
How To Control Them:
Cattles love Kudzu. So, if you or your neighbors have cows, let them graze on your lawn for three years in a row.
Ugly Weed #4 – Field Bindweed
This perennial vine snakes its way up, over, and through garden plants. It grows and is spread by seeds that can sprout after 50 years and roots that can grow 10-20 feet deep.
How To Control Them:
If the vine is growing by itself, spray Roundup on it. In case it’s tangled in other plants, carefully paint the Roundup onto only the bindweed leaves.
Not Keen On Dealing With The Nasty Weeds?
Any best lawn care company in Amherst can assist you in this weed-killing task. Lawn care services like Amherst Landscaping can identify any harmful weeds that exist on your lawn and determine the most suitable weed control method.
Contact the professionals to have your lawn inspected for weeds!
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