Getting Your Lawn Winter-Ready Is Extremely Crucial - Here’s Why!

The mesmerizing fall time is HERE finally! The leaves are starting to shed and lawns are getting covered in beautiful snow. With the chilly, cold season on its way, it’s quite common to let lawn maintenance in Amherst take a backseat. But make sure you DON’T MAKE THIS BIG MISTAKE. Lawn maintenance doesn't start in the spring and end in the summer. It needs to continue throughout the autumn too to protect your lawn and grass from the cold. We’re not just saying this - we have some convincing reasons to support our claim. Scroll down to know the top reasons for winter lawn maintenance in Amherst! Why Lawn Maintenance In Amherst Is Vitally Important For Winter? Fallen Leaves Can Damage The Yard Leaves that fall from the trees during the autumn months can suffocate your yard and cause damage. The fallen leaves become wet under rain, snow, or ice. This invites disease into the soil of your lawn, trees, and plants - which can become a huge problem in the springtime. That’s why you need...